The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). Section 2. (BADR Part 4)

The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). Section 2
Kairos Podcast Series 8: Biblical Anthropology, Death and Resurrection (BADR Part 4)

Question: In the light of the terrifying prospect of Sheol awaiting the dead, what led Israel to believe in the resurrection of the dead? What is the basis for Israel’s hope (Dan. 12:2-3)?

A. The OT gives two reasons. First, the OT affirms that Yahweh is the living God (Psa. 18:46; Jer. 23:36; Hos. 1:10). With the ever living God, death cannot be the sovereign power in the universe. Second, God’s reign of righteousness and justice extends even to Sheol (Job 26:6; Psa. 139:8; Prov. 15:11; Amos 9:2). Vindication will come at the final resurrection where the wicked will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded (Dan. 12:2). Continue reading “The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). Section 2. (BADR Part 4)”

The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). (BADR Part 3)

The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). (BADR Part 3)
Kairos Podcast Series 8: Biblical Anthropology, Death and Resurrection – BADR Part 3

Question: Some scholars believe that the Bible teaches not dualism but monism. Can you explain the competing view of monism?

Death involves disintegration of a person’s vital power, cessation of bodily life, and separation of the body and the soul (nepeš): Gen. 35:18; 1 Kings 19:4). Does the soul continue to exist after the death of the person? The monist theologian’s answer is “no”.

Monism argues that according to the Bible, a human being is not divided into separate parts, i.e. body, soul, and spirit, but he exists as a unified or holistic self. The soul and the body are just different aspects of a person. Since existence entails bodily existence, there is no possibility of disembodied existence of the soul after death.

The purpose of this video is to show that monism contradicts the Bible which ascribes to the disembodied soul some forms of consciousness in the intermediate state between death and final resurrection.

You may view the video at:
The Soul Between Death and Resurrection (the Intermediate State). (BADR Part 3)

Related Post:
Old Testament Anthropology as “Dualistic Holism” or “Holistic Dualism”. (BADR Part 2)