I Find it Hard to Worship God in Church, but what is Worship?

I Find it Hard to Worship God in Church, but what is Worship? Someone asked whether I actually worship God in the Sunday service because I remain ‘stiff’ and quiet when other church members are happily clapping and singing songs of praise. I confess that nowadays I find it hard to worship in church. I … Continue reading “I Find it Hard to Worship God in Church, but what is Worship?”

I Find it Hard to Worship God in Church, but what is Worship?
Someone asked whether I actually worship God in the Sunday service because I remain ‘stiff’ and quiet when other church members are happily clapping and singing songs of praise. I confess that nowadays I find it hard to worship in church. I have to try very hard not to be distracted by the loud music that I may rest and repose in God’s presence. Obviously, my idea of worship is quite different from the music-driven worship that is popular in churches today.

First, I should clarify my understanding of corporate worship which is:

the activity of a congregation of true believers giving reverence, adoration, praise and thanksgiving in response to the incomparable glory and ineffable holiness of God, while expressing gratitude to the magnificent grace and goodness revealed in the person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and finally receiving the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit through the sacraments and preaching of the word to enable us to live a life of obedient service to the triune God. Continue reading “I Find it Hard to Worship God in Church, but what is Worship?”

Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion

Allah – The Noun and the Name The Root of Confusion* Confusion continues to reign over some Malay Muslim scholars, as is evident from their fumbled handling of the semantics of Allah, because there is no definite article in the Malay language. It would be helpful for them to reconsider the significance of definite article … Continue reading “Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion”

Allah – The Noun and the Name

The Root of Confusion*

Confusion continues to reign over some Malay Muslim scholars, as is evident from their fumbled handling of the semantics of Allah, because there is no definite article in the Malay language. It would be helpful for them to reconsider the significance of definite article in the Arabic and other Semitic languages.

Definition of Proper Noun

Confusion begins when we learned in elementary school the traditional definition of a noun: a noun “refers to a person, place, or thing.” But this definition is inadequate as it excludes words like ‘explosion’, ‘moment’, thunder, etc.

Modern linguists therefore define nouns not in semantic (meaning-based) terms but in distributive terms, that is, how they are used in relation to other syntactic categories in the language. The English language has the convenient usage of the determiner ‘the’. Hence, ‘the explosion’, ‘the moment’ and ‘the thunder’ are recognized as nouns. Continue reading “Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion”

Allah dan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab

29 Januari 2013 Allah dan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab Artikel ini diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggeris dari website Krisis & Praxis Mengapa Tidak Mungkin Menggantikan Allah dengan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab Orang Muslim di beberapa negara lain di dunia (Arab, Afrika Utara, Pakistan dan Indonesia) tiada bantahan dan tidak bimbang akan kemungkinan keliru apabila orang Kristian … Continue reading “Allah dan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab”

29 Januari 2013
Allah dan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab

Artikel ini diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggeris dari website Krisis & Praxis

Mengapa Tidak Mungkin Menggantikan Allah dengan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab

Orang Muslim di beberapa negara lain di dunia (Arab, Afrika Utara, Pakistan dan Indonesia) tiada bantahan dan tidak bimbang akan kemungkinan keliru apabila orang Kristian menggunakan perkataan Allah. Sebaliknya, segolongan orang Muslim Malaysia pula mendakwa mereka keliru; suatu fenomena yang sangat aneh. Pemerhatian ini membuktikan kebenaran kepada andaian bahawa isu Allah ini merupakan isu Melayu buatan dan bukan isu Muslim sebenar. Sebenarnya, bantahan yang dirancang terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi pada 31 Dec 2009 untuk membenarkan Catholic Herald (dan orang Kristian) menggunakan perkataan Allah harus dilihat sebagai manipulasi sinis oleh ahli-ahli politik Melayu untuk mendapatkan undi daripada masyarakat mereka. Continue reading “Allah dan Tuhan dalam Terjemahan Alkitab”

Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah

*You may read additional articles grouped under the category Islamization of Malaysian Laws Christians have offered well-documented evidence and cogent arguments to refute the claim that only (Malaysian) Muslims have the right to use the word Allah. However, the dogmatic assertions (notwithstanding the ‘scholarly garb’) from Muslim scholars in the current flare-up suggest that they … Continue reading “Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah”

*You may read additional articles grouped under the category Islamization of Malaysian Laws

Christians have offered well-documented evidence and cogent arguments to refute the claim that only (Malaysian) Muslims have the right to use the word Allah. However, the dogmatic assertions (notwithstanding the ‘scholarly garb’) from Muslim scholars in the current flare-up suggest that they have either chosen to ignore the evidence or are simple unable to follow an argument outside their logical Procrustean bed. Undoubtedly, their closed mindedness arises because they learned how to use Arabic without reflecting, much less analyzing the linguistic determinants behind Arabic.

I would like to invite readers who are new to the controversy to read some of my early articles given in the list below: Continue reading “Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah”

Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue

Proposition 1: We respect the right of PAS to spell out clearly its theological position on Allah. Proposition 2: We respect the right of people of different faiths to interpret their holy books and profess their faith in their mother tongues. Proposition 3: We must go beyond polemics in addressing the Allah controversy. Proposition 4: … Continue reading “Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue”

Proposition 1: We respect the right of PAS to spell out clearly its theological position on Allah.

Proposition 2: We respect the right of people of different faiths to interpret their holy books and profess their faith in their mother tongues.

Proposition 3: We must go beyond polemics in addressing the Allah controversy.

Proposition 4: We invite Muslim leaders to engage in constructive dialogue with Christian leaders to resolve the Allah controversy


The official statement released by Pas Ulamak Syura Council (USC) LINK on 13/1/2013 has caused confusion and concern. Continue reading “Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue”

‘Allah’ is Substitute for Hebrew Words ēl, ĕlōah, and not for English Word ‘God’

‘Allah’ is Substitute for Hebrew Words ēl, ĕlōah, and not for English Word ‘God’ For news event regarding the Sultan of Selangor’s decree that says non-Muslims must not use the word Allah see my other post at: Religious Liberty Watch, Selangor Sultan Says non-Muslims Must Not use ‘Allah’, Pakatan and Christian Federation of Malaysia Disagree  … Continue reading “‘Allah’ is Substitute for Hebrew Words ēl, ĕlōah, and not for English Word ‘God’”

‘Allah’ is Substitute for Hebrew Words ēl, ĕlōah, and not for English Word ‘God’

For news event regarding the Sultan of Selangor’s decree that says non-Muslims must not use the word Allah see my other post at:

Religious Liberty Watch, Selangor Sultan Says non-Muslims Must Not use ‘Allah’, Pakatan and Christian Federation of Malaysia Disagree  LINK

MAIS secretary Datuk Mohd Misri Idris announced “His majesty the Selangor Sultan has made a decision and decreed that the word ‘Allah’ is a sacred word specific to Muslims and is strictly forbidden to use by any non-Muslim religion in Selangor as stated in a fatwa and gazetted on 18 February 2010.”


The ban is unprecedented and it is questionable whether a fatwa can be applied to non-Muslims. In any case, as a non-Muslim, my profession of faith cannot be determined by any human authority (whether the government or the Sultan). It is ultimately between me and my God. Continue reading “‘Allah’ is Substitute for Hebrew Words ēl, ĕlōah, and not for English Word ‘God’”

Galileo’s Trial on Trial: From Teleological Science to Mathematical Empirical Science

Precis:  Secular critics of Christianity typically appeal to the infamous trial of Galilee Galileo in Rome (1616) as indisputable evidence that Christianity is an intolerant and intellectually bankrupt system. The secular critics’ story is one of the inexorable retreat of Christianity into the backwaters of social progress, and of its being left behind in the … Continue reading “Galileo’s Trial on Trial: From Teleological Science to Mathematical Empirical Science”

Precis:  Secular critics of Christianity typically appeal to the infamous trial of Galilee Galileo in Rome (1616) as indisputable evidence that Christianity is an intolerant and intellectually bankrupt system. The secular critics’ story is one of the inexorable retreat of Christianity into the backwaters of social progress, and of its being left behind in the advancement of the knowledge enterprise. Consequently, one would have expected the Christian religion to wither at the margins of society and eventually go the way of the gypsies. But this has not been the case. It calls to mind Mark Twain’s remark, “The report on my death was an exaggeration.” Continue reading “Galileo’s Trial on Trial: From Teleological Science to Mathematical Empirical Science”

Religious Dialog and Democratic Deliberation

RELIGIOUS DIALOG AND DEMOCRATIC DELIBERATION  Dialog does not take place in a vacuum. Recognition of contextual pressures and normative ideals Excerpt: J. C Murray once noted that what distinguishes civil society from a mass or a herd is its ability to engage in ongoing rational deliberative dialogue. Taking a quote from Thomas Gilby he wrote, … Continue reading “Religious Dialog and Democratic Deliberation”


 Dialog does not take place in a vacuum. Recognition of contextual pressures and normative ideals


J. C Murray once noted that what distinguishes civil society from a mass or a herd is its ability to engage in ongoing rational deliberative dialogue. Taking a quote from Thomas Gilby he wrote, “Civilization is formed by men locked together in argument.” Conversely, without dialog, civility – and with it civil society – dies. The reason is that without a public consensus that is forged through public deliberation, there is no bond of solidarity to command allegiance to common values that hold civil society together. Continue reading “Religious Dialog and Democratic Deliberation”

The End of the World: Getting it Right (Part 2)

End of the World or the beginning of God’s New World? Biblical prophecy is God-centred. It strengthens faith and assurance by reminding us the God is sovereign in history regardless of increasing chaos in the world. Repent from itchy ears that seek to hear the latest ‘revelation’ from God. Make eschatological hope (concerning end-time matters) … Continue reading “The End of the World: Getting it Right (Part 2)”

End of the World or the beginning of God’s New World? Biblical prophecy is God-centred. It strengthens faith and assurance by reminding us the God is sovereign in history regardless of increasing chaos in the world. Repent from itchy ears that seek to hear the latest ‘revelation’ from God. Make eschatological hope (concerning end-time matters) a foundation for faithful living and growing conformity to Christ, not an escape from discipleship. Continue reading “The End of the World: Getting it Right (Part 2)”

Mayan Apocalypse 21 Dec 2012? Doomsday is Nearer Than You Think (Part 1)

How strange can it be? Everybody is excited about the Mayan ‘prophecy’ regarding the end of the world on 21 Dec 2012. Mankind has only 7 days left but nobody seems to be panicking. People are more worried about having only 11 days left for Christmas shopping. Can it be that the world is really … Continue reading “Mayan Apocalypse 21 Dec 2012? Doomsday is Nearer Than You Think (Part 1)”

How strange can it be? Everybody is excited about the Mayan ‘prophecy’ regarding the end of the world on 21 Dec 2012. Mankind has only 7 days left but nobody seems to be panicking. People are more worried about having only 11 days left for Christmas shopping.

Can it be that the world is really coming to an end? Indeed, Doomsday is nearer than you think! Continue reading “Mayan Apocalypse 21 Dec 2012? Doomsday is Nearer Than You Think (Part 1)”