OT & Jesus’ Teaching on Homosexual Practice. HPLSR Part 2/5

A. Can Homosexuals be changed? Difficult to change, but possible. Therapy gives relative success: 30 percent experience freedom from symptoms and 30 percent experience significant improvement.

B. OT teaching– Homosexuality viewed as a grievous sin. All forms of homosexual practice were rejected. 1) Gen. 19 Sodom and Gomorrah. Exegetical refutation of revisionists who alleged that the sin in Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality, violent gang rape vs consensual sex. 2) Lev. 18:22, 20:13; Deut. 23: 17-18. Homosexual practice is the only specific sin singled out as an abomination and given death penalty. 3) Lev. 18:24-30. Prohibition against homosexuality is universal & not just restricted to Israel.

C. NT teaching Jesus was silent on the issue, but silent does not mean approval.

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LGBT Ideology & Activism in Social Context. Homosexual Practice & LGBT Sexual Revolution. Part 1/5

LGBT Ideology & Activism in Social Context. HPLSR Part 1/5

A. Two Opposing Reactions to Homosexual Practice
1) Inclusivist Liberals: Emphasis on LOVE with a loose attachment to biblical law.
2) Historical church 2000 yr Tradition.

B. Application – Welcoming, but not affirming
Speak God’s truth in love BUT no place for self-righteousness.
Differentiate between people struggling with same-sex attraction from militant homosexual activists.
Main focus on homosexual practices tho’ may make reference to the sexual dysphoria and transgender debate.

C. Basic Facts
Relevant statistics about homosexual practices today
Multiple causes of homosexuality.

D. Biblical Focus on Acts, Not ‘Orientation’
The Bible knows nothing of “homosexual orientation.” The church’s moral focus is not fundamentally with homosexual orientation, no matter how it is supposed to develop.The church’s moral concern is with what an individual does with his or her experiences of same-sex attraction.z

You can watch the video at
LGBT Ideology & Activism in Social Context: HPLSR Part 1/5

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