Good Govt Will/Must Protect Religious Freedom From Doubtful Court Judgment

It is arguable that the COA judges in the recent Allah court case violated a well-known dictum in jurisprudence that judgments should be minimalist. That is to say, judges should interpret the law narrowly, if a broad interpretation would likely incur social injustice or encroach on religious freedom. It makes matters worse when authorities apply … Continue reading “Good Govt Will/Must Protect Religious Freedom From Doubtful Court Judgment”

It is arguable that the COA judges in the recent Allah court case violated a well-known dictum in jurisprudence that judgments should be minimalist. That is to say, judges should interpret the law narrowly, if a broad interpretation would likely incur social injustice or encroach on religious freedom. It makes matters worse when authorities apply these doubtful judgments to discriminate against the minority Christian community.

It is vital for citizens to be informed correctly about fundamental liberties in the Federal Constitution so that they are able to reject any wrongful interpretation and application of the law arising from the COA judgement. For this purpose, I am pleased to recommend that you read two helpful articles written by Mr. Andrew Khoo in Malaysiakini.

CFM’s Clear and United Stand & a Challenge to the Government to Come Clean on the Allah Issue  LINK . Go Directly to Malaysiakini

Bible Raid: Federal Govt Cannot Act Like Pontius Pilate Wash its Hands LINK. Go Directly to Malaysiakini



The Beginning of Persecution of Christian Minorities in Malaysia?

The raid of Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) by the Selangor Islamic authorities, JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) is a flagrant violation of religious liberty and a deliberate affront to the dignity of the Christian community. LINK JAIS’ action suggests that a threshold in inter-religious relations has been crossed, that is, the Islamic authorities have … Continue reading “The Beginning of Persecution of Christian Minorities in Malaysia?”

The raid of Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) by the Selangor Islamic authorities, JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) is a flagrant violation of religious liberty and a deliberate affront to the dignity of the Christian community. LINK JAIS’ action suggests that a threshold in inter-religious relations has been crossed, that is, the Islamic authorities have progressed from harassing to persecuting Christian minorities in Malaysia.

The raid is not unexpected, given the orchestrated agitations and provocations coming from Islamic authorities and NGOs in the last few weeks. The decree by the Sultan of Selangor which bans non-Muslims from using the Allah word was followed by a statement by JAIS new Director declaring that JAIS will be sending warning letters to all churches. Islamic NGOs followed suit with police reports against Herald and the Catholic Church. Next, the former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir accused Christians of irritating Muslims in using the Allah word, and the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin publicly supported UMNO Selangor in its campaign against the editor of Herald. Strangely, the Prime Minister has remained silent although he has personally guaranteed Christians their right to use the al-Kitab a few years ago. The ominous beating of war drums can only lead to hostile action against Christians. Continue reading “The Beginning of Persecution of Christian Minorities in Malaysia?”

Will the Real Prime Minister Please Stand Up?- Defending Kalimah Allah

Following the Court of Appeal judgment, the Prime Minister assures Christians in Sabah and Sarawak that the judgment only bans the Catholic Herald from using the Allah word. A few cabinet ministers suggest the 10-Point agreement continues to allow these Christians to use the Christian al Kitab notwithstanding the Allah word. The PM’s assurance sounds … Continue reading “Will the Real Prime Minister Please Stand Up?- Defending Kalimah Allah”

Following the Court of Appeal judgment, the Prime Minister assures Christians in Sabah and Sarawak that the judgment only bans the Catholic Herald from using the Allah word. A few cabinet ministers suggest the 10-Point agreement continues to allow these Christians to use the Christian al Kitab notwithstanding the Allah word.

The PM’s assurance sounds feeble, wishful and arguably misleading when the Appeal Court judgment prohibits the Christian community from using the Allah word on grounds that the word is not integral to Christian faith, that any religious practice must be circumscribed or limited by Islamic sensitivity, and finally, that the prohibition is necessary for national security.

Be assured that officers from JAKIM and the Bahagian Kawalan Penerbitan dan Teks Al-Quran (The Publication and Quranic Texts Control Division) will be waving at Christians the Appeal Court written judgment when they decide in due time (chosen at their convenience) to raid a Christian institution and seize its publications or stop any activity deemed offensive to Islamic sensitivity. Continue reading “Will the Real Prime Minister Please Stand Up?- Defending Kalimah Allah”

Semantik Kalimah Allah

  Semantik Kalimah Allah* Kita mendekati pembahasan kata “Allâh“ dari sudut bahasa. Kata “Allah” berasal dari dua kata: al, dan ilah, Al adalah kata sandang (band, bahasa Inggeris; the), dan ilah bererti: yang kuat, dewa. Dalam bahasa-bahasa Semit,kata ini menunjuk pada kuasa yang ada di luar jankauan manusia, yaitu pada dewa. Sudah di masa pra-Islam, … Continue reading “Semantik Kalimah Allah”


Semantik Kalimah Allah*

Kita mendekati pembahasan kata “Allâh“ dari sudut bahasa. Kata “Allah” berasal dari dua kata: al, dan ilah, Al adalah kata sandang (band, bahasa Inggeris; the), dan ilah bererti: yang kuat, dewa. Dalam bahasa-bahasa Semit,kata ini menunjuk pada kuasa yang ada di luar jankauan manusia, yaitu pada dewa. Sudah di masa pra-Islam, al-ilah disambung menjadi Allah. Dan dalam agama orang-orang Arab pra-Islam, kata ini digunakan untuk menunjuk pada dewa yang paling tinggi di antara dewa-dewa yang lain yang masing-masing mempunyai namanya sendiri. Namun kata Allah itu sendiri bukan nama, seperti di atas diterangkan. Dengan demikian, kata Allah sudah ada dalam zaman jahiliyya. Ia bukan ciptaan orang Islam ia juga tidak baru muncul dalam Al-qur’an Alkarim, melainkan ia merupakan kata biasa dalam bahasa Arab lepas dari ikatan dengan salah satu agama tertentu. Continue reading “Semantik Kalimah Allah”

Appeal Court Inept Judgment Based on Internet Research

The Court of Appeal in Putrajaya on 14/10/2013 over-ruled the earlier decision by Justice Lau Bee Lan in the Kuala Lumpur High Court to allow Christians (Herald) to use the word Allah. The wide ramifications of the Appeal Court decision calls for careful analysis to ascertain whether it is based on accurate facts which are … Continue reading “Appeal Court Inept Judgment Based on Internet Research”

The Court of Appeal in Putrajaya on 14/10/2013 over-ruled the earlier decision by Justice Lau Bee Lan in the Kuala Lumpur High Court to allow Christians (Herald) to use the word Allah. The wide ramifications of the Appeal Court decision calls for careful analysis to ascertain whether it is based on accurate facts which are foundational for a coherently argued and impartial judgment. I shall focus on the judgment delivered by one of the three judges, Justice Mohd Nawawi bin Salleh, since it ostensibly examines the facts pertaining to the legitimacy of Christians (the Herald) using the word Allah. Continue reading “Appeal Court Inept Judgment Based on Internet Research”

Welcome to Ketuanan Islam (Supremacy of Islam) in Malaysia

PREAMBLE TO THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION OF MALAYSIA (2013)* There is no God but the God of Islam, and the Court is his Herald. All religions must be subject to the supremacy of Islam. All citizens are equal but Muslims are more equal than others. Cut to the chase, the Court of Appeal judgment released on … Continue reading “Welcome to Ketuanan Islam (Supremacy of Islam) in Malaysia”

There is no God but the God of Islam, and the Court is his Herald.
All religions must be subject to the supremacy of Islam.
All citizens are equal but Muslims are more equal than others.

Cut to the chase, the Court of Appeal judgment released on 14/10/2013(No.W-01-1-2010) which prohibits Christians from using the word Allah is based on the supremacy of Islam in Malaysia. The judges identify “the community” as Muslim and relegate other religious believers to “group”.  Since “group” is inferior and subordinate to the superior “community”, the judges ruled, “the welfare of an individual or group must yield to that of the community.” Continue reading “Welcome to Ketuanan Islam (Supremacy of Islam) in Malaysia”

Pengharaman Penggunaan “Allah”: Perdebatan Teologi dan Hegemoni Ideologi

This paper summarizes the major themes found in a three-part article posted in 2010 – Refutation of Muslim Scholars’ Arguments in the Allah Controversy [See links given below]. Pengharaman Penggunaan “Allah”: Perdebatan Teologi dan Hegemoni Ideologi Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk membantu umat Kristian 1) memahami trajektori sejarah pertikaian tentang perkataan Allah, 2) mengenal pasti … Continue reading “Pengharaman Penggunaan “Allah”: Perdebatan Teologi dan Hegemoni Ideologi”

This paper summarizes the major themes found in a three-part article posted in 2010 – Refutation of Muslim Scholars’ Arguments in the Allah Controversy [See links given below].

Pengharaman Penggunaan “Allah”: Perdebatan Teologi dan Hegemoni Ideologi

Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk membantu umat Kristian 1) memahami trajektori sejarah pertikaian tentang perkataan Allah, 2) mengenal pasti sumber-sumber sejarah, linguistik dan teologi yang menjadi alasan bagi penggunaan sah akan perkataan itu oleh umat Kristian, 3) mematahkan hujah-hujah tidak berasas yang dikemukakan oleh cendekiawan Muslim yang menuntut monopoli Muslim dalam penggunaan perkataan Allah dan 4) memahami bagaimana konsep bahasa suci menyebabkan orang bukan-Muslim tidak dibenarkan daripada menggunakan perkataan Allah. Continue reading “Pengharaman Penggunaan “Allah”: Perdebatan Teologi dan Hegemoni Ideologi”

Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion

Allah – The Noun and the Name The Root of Confusion* Confusion continues to reign over some Malay Muslim scholars, as is evident from their fumbled handling of the semantics of Allah, because there is no definite article in the Malay language. It would be helpful for them to reconsider the significance of definite article … Continue reading “Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion”

Allah – The Noun and the Name

The Root of Confusion*

Confusion continues to reign over some Malay Muslim scholars, as is evident from their fumbled handling of the semantics of Allah, because there is no definite article in the Malay language. It would be helpful for them to reconsider the significance of definite article in the Arabic and other Semitic languages.

Definition of Proper Noun

Confusion begins when we learned in elementary school the traditional definition of a noun: a noun “refers to a person, place, or thing.” But this definition is inadequate as it excludes words like ‘explosion’, ‘moment’, thunder, etc.

Modern linguists therefore define nouns not in semantic (meaning-based) terms but in distributive terms, that is, how they are used in relation to other syntactic categories in the language. The English language has the convenient usage of the determiner ‘the’. Hence, ‘the explosion’, ‘the moment’ and ‘the thunder’ are recognized as nouns. Continue reading “Allah:The Noun and the Name – The Root of Confusion”

Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah

*You may read additional articles grouped under the category Islamization of Malaysian Laws Christians have offered well-documented evidence and cogent arguments to refute the claim that only (Malaysian) Muslims have the right to use the word Allah. However, the dogmatic assertions (notwithstanding the ‘scholarly garb’) from Muslim scholars in the current flare-up suggest that they … Continue reading “Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah”

*You may read additional articles grouped under the category Islamization of Malaysian Laws

Christians have offered well-documented evidence and cogent arguments to refute the claim that only (Malaysian) Muslims have the right to use the word Allah. However, the dogmatic assertions (notwithstanding the ‘scholarly garb’) from Muslim scholars in the current flare-up suggest that they have either chosen to ignore the evidence or are simple unable to follow an argument outside their logical Procrustean bed. Undoubtedly, their closed mindedness arises because they learned how to use Arabic without reflecting, much less analyzing the linguistic determinants behind Arabic.

I would like to invite readers who are new to the controversy to read some of my early articles given in the list below: Continue reading “Collated Resources: Christians from pre-Islam Arab Christians to Bumiputera Christians have the Right to Use Allah”

Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue

Proposition 1: We respect the right of PAS to spell out clearly its theological position on Allah. Proposition 2: We respect the right of people of different faiths to interpret their holy books and profess their faith in their mother tongues. Proposition 3: We must go beyond polemics in addressing the Allah controversy. Proposition 4: … Continue reading “Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue”

Proposition 1: We respect the right of PAS to spell out clearly its theological position on Allah.

Proposition 2: We respect the right of people of different faiths to interpret their holy books and profess their faith in their mother tongues.

Proposition 3: We must go beyond polemics in addressing the Allah controversy.

Proposition 4: We invite Muslim leaders to engage in constructive dialogue with Christian leaders to resolve the Allah controversy


The official statement released by Pas Ulamak Syura Council (USC) LINK on 13/1/2013 has caused confusion and concern. Continue reading “Resolving the Allah Controversy: Going Beyond Polemics and Call for Constructive Dialogue”