Allah is Not a Personal Name

Allah is Not a Personal Name It is bad enough when the Malaysian government bans Christians from using the word Allah. It is worse when some misguided Christians (granted it is a small minority) agree that Muslims have sole proprietary rights to the word Allah, even though this capitulation amounts to surrendering their centuries old … Continue reading “Allah is Not a Personal Name”

Allah is Not a Personal Name

It is bad enough when the Malaysian government bans Christians from using the word Allah. It is worse when some misguided Christians (granted it is a small minority) agree that Muslims have sole proprietary rights to the word Allah, even though this capitulation amounts to surrendering their centuries old usage of the word Allah for worship and spiritual instructions.

Perhaps this capitulation results from a misunderstanding of Arabic grammar, that is, the view that Allah is a personal name. Allah, as such, refers solely to the individual Supreme Being whom Muslims (and no other believers) worship. Accepting this misunderstanding would give grounds to the Muslim’s (still contestable) demand that only they have the right to use the word Allah and its related terms.Such a capitulation must be vigorously resisted seeing how the Malaysian government unrelentingly prosecutes its ban against Christians using the word Allah. It is imperative that we analyze and correct this misunderstanding.

Continue reading “Allah is Not a Personal Name”

Dialogue on Islam and Christology: Reports and Comments

Seems like the following summaries of my dialogue with Dr. Louay Fatoohi at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies on August 13 2009 are being sent around the Internet. LINK LINK I have problems with the summaries at a few points but at least they give a rough idea of what transpired … Continue reading “Dialogue on Islam and Christology: Reports and Comments”

Seems like the following summaries of my dialogue with Dr. Louay Fatoohi at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies on August 13 2009 are being sent around the Internet. LINK LINK

I have problems with the summaries at a few points but at least they give a rough idea of what transpired in the dialogue. I did not consider posting further comments on the dialogue, but now that these summaries are being circulated, I will just fine-tune them with a few caveats. I will post a full response only if it turns out that the book is widely received by the reading public and the academia. Continue reading “Dialogue on Islam and Christology: Reports and Comments”

Beer and Tyranny of Majority

The authorities from Shah Alam City Council declared that  “the sale of all alcoholic drinks including beer will not be allowed at Muslim-majority areas”. The logic underlying this declaration goes as follows: 1) The majority population has the right to decide whether a cultural practice is acceptable 2) Muslims are the majority in Shah Alam … Continue reading “Beer and Tyranny of Majority”

The authorities from Shah Alam City Council declared that  “the sale of all alcoholic drinks including beer will not be allowed at Muslim-majority areas”. The logic underlying this declaration goes as follows:

1) The majority population has the right to decide whether a cultural practice is acceptable
2) Muslims are the majority in Shah Alam
3) Muslims decide what is culturally acceptable and prohibited in Shah Alam
4) Muslims cannot accept sales and consumption of alcohol
5) Therefore the sales of alcohol is not allowed in Shah Alam

How to we challenge this logic? You may read my response at the following site: LINK

Response to Prof. Dzulkufli Abdul Razak Misreading of the Malay Bible

Tan Sri Prof. Dzulkufli Abdul Razak, Vice Chancellor of University Science Malaysia wrote an article on the use of ‘Allah’ in the Malay Bible, Alkitab (Bahasa Indonesia version) in the SUN on 11 March 2009. LINK It would have been easy just to dismiss this article since its premise is flawed from the word go: … Continue reading “Response to Prof. Dzulkufli Abdul Razak Misreading of the Malay Bible”

Tan Sri Prof. Dzulkufli Abdul Razak, Vice Chancellor of University Science Malaysia wrote an article on the use of ‘Allah’ in the Malay Bible, Alkitab (Bahasa Indonesia version) in the SUN on 11 March 2009. LINK

It would have been easy just to dismiss this article since its premise is flawed from the word go: He compares the Malay translation with the New King James Version when the base text of the Bahasa Indonesia version has never been any English version. Indeed the Alkitab makes it clear that it is based on the Biblia Hebraica text for the Hebrew/Aramaic Old Testament and the Nestle Aland text for the Greek New Testament. Continue reading “Response to Prof. Dzulkufli Abdul Razak Misreading of the Malay Bible”

Non-Muslims have a Right to Comment on Fatwas

You may want to read this new post by Ng Kam Weng in his second blog: Non-Muslims have a Right to Comment on Fatwas Link Non-Muslims Have a Right to Comment on Fatwas

You may want to read this new post by Ng Kam Weng in his second blog:

Non-Muslims have a Right to Comment on Fatwas Link

Non-Muslims Have a Right to Comment on Fatwas

Allah lawsuit: Muslim Councils Rush to Intervene, Archbishop Objects

Comment: Amazing! So many Muslim Councils rushing to join the fray. Perhaps they are nervous about losing their case and seek assurance in numbers. It would have been so much simpler if people concerned just allow the two immediate parties involved in the suit to calmly and rationally argue their case. Surely it can’t be … Continue reading “Allah lawsuit: Muslim Councils Rush to Intervene, Archbishop Objects”

Comment: Amazing! So many Muslim Councils rushing to join the fray. Perhaps they are nervous about losing their case and seek assurance in numbers. It would have been so much simpler if people concerned just allow the two immediate parties involved in the suit to calmly and rationally argue their case. Surely it can’t be the case that 10+ Muslim councils are each presenting its own unique argument? Indeed, judging from eyewitness report describing the atmosphere at the court, It seems to me that some Muslim are more propelled by emotions than by rational and respectful argumentation.

More likely, and more disturbingly, the flood of applications, or rather the inflated crowd at the court is a show of force to intimidate the Catholic Church or the honorable judge. Continue reading “Allah lawsuit: Muslim Councils Rush to Intervene, Archbishop Objects”

Allah and Bible Translation Again: New Light from an Ancient Manuscript

Allah and Bible Translation Again: New Light from an Ancient Manuscript As expected, the hearing of the application by the Sidang Injil Borneo (Borneo Evangelical Church) Sabah for leave to sue the government over the right Christians to use the word “Allah” was adjourned to 7 Aug. It is most interesting that it is the … Continue reading “Allah and Bible Translation Again: New Light from an Ancient Manuscript”

Allah and Bible Translation Again: New Light from an Ancient Manuscript

As expected, the hearing of the application by the Sidang Injil Borneo (Borneo Evangelical Church) Sabah for leave to sue the government over the right Christians to use the word “Allah” was adjourned to 7 Aug.

It is most interesting that it is the government officials who keep asking for postponement of the court hearing. I think the government knows that its policy of banning the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is just intellectually untenable, legally indefensible and morally embarrassing. Hence, it resorts to asking for postponement of both the SIB case and the Catholic Herald case on grounds of legal technicalities. Continue reading “Allah and Bible Translation Again: New Light from an Ancient Manuscript”

‘Allah’ vs. God

I just received a news update on the court case regarding the prohibition of the use of ‘Allah’ in non-Muslim media: The Minister for Internal Security issued a Publication Permit dated 12th February 2008 (for the period 1st January 2008 until 31st December 2008) to the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, the Publisher … Continue reading “‘Allah’ vs. God”

I just received a news update on the court case regarding the prohibition of the use of ‘Allah’ in non-Muslim media:

The Minister for Internal Security issued a Publication Permit dated 12th February 2008 (for the period 1st January 2008 until 31st December 2008) to the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, the Publisher of the ‘ HERALD – The Catholic Weekly’ stating that the Publication Permit is subject to a “Garis Panduan Penerbitan” which prohibits the Publisher from using the word ALLAH in the HERALD – The Catholic Weekly.

The decision of the Minister for Internal Security was unacceptable and on 19th March 2008, an Application for Judicial Review was filed in the Kuala Lumpur High Court to challenge the decision of the Minister. The first state of the Application for Judicial Review (i.e. to seek leave or permission to proceed) is fixed for hearing at 9.00am on 25th April 2008. Archbishop Murphy Pakiam will be in the High Court for the hearing.

Continue reading “‘Allah’ vs. God”

‘Allah’ is for all Malay Speaking People in Nusantara

The article written in Malay refutes the assumption that a few million Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia have the exclusive right and final authority to define how the Malay language may be used for religious purposes.

Sudah di masa pra-Islam, al-ilâh disambung menjadi Allâh. Dan dalam agama orang-orang Arab pra-Islam, kata ini digunakan untuk menunjuk pada dewa yang paling tinggi di antara dewa-dewa yang lain yang masing-masing mempunyai namanya sendiri. Namun kata Allâh itu sendiri bukan nama, seperti di atas diterangkan. Dengan demikian, kata Allâh sudah ada dalam bahasa Arab sebelum Islam dalam zaman jahiliyya atau zaman politeis. Kata itu bukan ciptaan orang Islam, ia juga tidak baru muncul dalam Al-qur’ân Al-karîm, melainkan, dari sudut bahasa, ia merupakan kata biasa dalam bahasa Arab lepas dari ikatan dengan salah satu agama tertentu.

To download PDF version of Article: Click on title “Mengenai Kata ALLAH”

Mengenai Kata ALLAH (Download PDF File)

‘Allah’ is for all Malay Speaking People in Nusantara (Malay Archipelago)

Recently, the Malay media has printed several articles that insist non-Muslims cannot use the word Allah to describe the supreme God they worship. One such article, written by the Director-General of IKIM (Institute of Islamic Understanding), appears in the following site:

It is a pity that this article is printed only in the Malay press. Its assertion that only Muslims have exclusive authority to decide how Bahasa Malaysia may be used for religious purposes would certainly draw a vigorous response in the English media (though certainly not in the censored mainstream English newspapers). Perhaps the article is intended more to ‘educate’ Malay readers even though readers of the Malay press show little interest in the issue. Political scientists may also be interested to note that the Government issued a gag order to prevent further discussion of the topic only after Muslim scholars were first allowed to express their views in the press. Continue reading “‘Allah’ is for all Malay Speaking People in Nusantara”

Muslim Reception/Rejection of Modernity (Part 2)

It has been noted above that Islamists opt for a selective appropriation of the rational structures and goods of Modernity without critically submitting their own traditional values to self-critique. The justification for this strategy finds support from the flourishing of the discipline of Civilizational studies in the universities. Islamic thinkers who seek to undermine the suggestion that the supremacy of Western modernity is permanent or that history of progress is linear following the path set by Western nations.

Muslim Reception/Rejection of Modernity (Part 2)
Part 2
Islamic History and Civilizational Studies

It has been noted above that Islamists opt for a selective appropriation of the rational structures and goods of Modernity without critically submitting their own traditional values to self-critique. The justification for this strategy finds support from the flourishing of the discipline of Civilizational studies in the universities. Islamic thinkers who seek to undermine the suggestion that the supremacy of Western modernity is permanent or that history of progress is linear following the path set by Western nations. We find Islamists appealing to Spengler, Toynbee, Malik Bennabi and above, all Ibn Khaldun, to support a cyclical view of the growth and decline of Civilizations. Continue reading “Muslim Reception/Rejection of Modernity (Part 2)”