“Let me know you, for you are the God who knows me; let me recognize you as you have recognized me.” (Augustine, Confessions x.1)
Personal identity in the modern world is commonly premised on the idea of expressive individualism, that is, the idea that we find our true self by listening to our inner voice to discover and articulate our personal identity. Instead of conforming to social conventions, we give expression to our feelings and desires in order to become authentic. As noted in the previous post, expressive individualism is the underlying philosophy of the LGBT sexual revolution. [Re: The Triumph of the Therapeutic and the LGBTQ Sexual Revolution]
However, Charles Taylor warns that “taking authenticity to be the sole or chief criterion for human behavior and the main way to direct our lives raises significant concerns. The urge to self-fulfillment can lead to a shallow and destructive narcissism. And on its own, the urge to be true to ourselves ignores the social fabric of our existence. Relationships can easily become disposable if they stand in the way of self-expression: “Our ties to others, as well as external moral demands, can easily be in conflict with our personal development.” Continue reading “Identity in Christ and the Quest for Authenticity”