Concise Theological Critique of Open Theism

Open Theism asserts that God’s knowledge is limited  knowledge and that he is unable to anticipate free human actions. However, the Bible teaches that God is omniscient and knows the heart, the innermost thoughts, desires and intentions of man.

“O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether” (Ps. 139:1-4).

“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds” (Jer. 17:10).

“‘And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought’” (1 Chron. 28:9a).

“O Lord of hosts, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and the mind …” (Jer. 20:12).

“And they prayed, and said, ‘You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen” (Acts 1:24).

Reading 1: Critique of Open Theism

Open Theism’s Major Claims
Open theists argue that the Christian doctrine of God was influenced by Greek thought. Theology became philosophical rather than biblical. God was seen to be impassible (incapable of suffering) and immutable. Lost was the dynamic interaction between God and the creature. In the Bible, so the argument runs, God responds to human actions and is even said to repent of what he planned. Continue reading “Concise Theological Critique of Open Theism”

High Court Quashes Govt’s 1986 Ban on ‘Allah’ Use by Christians,

High Court quashes govt’s 1986 ban on ‘Allah’ use by Christians, affirms Sarawakian Bumiputera’s right to religion and non-discrimination

10 March 2021 by Ida Lim

KUALA LUMPUR, March 10 ― The High Court today ruled that the Malaysian government’s directive issued in 1986 with a total ban on the use of the word “Allah” in Christian publications is unconstitutional and invalid, and also declared orders to affirm Sarawakian Bumiputera Christian Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill’s right to not be discriminated against and practise her faith.

Justice Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin, who has since been elevated to be a Court of Appeal judge, granted three of the specific constitutional reliefs sought by the Sarawakian native of the Melanau tribe.

The three orders granted by the judge include a declaration that it is Jill Ireland’s constitutional right under the Federal Constitution’s Article 3, 8, 11 and 12 to import the publications in exercise of her rights to practise religion and right to education.

The other two declarations granted by the judge today are that a declaration under Article 8 that Jill Ireland is guaranteed equality of all persons before the law and is protected from discrimination against citizens on the grounds of religion in the administration of the law ― specifically the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 and Customs Act 1967), and a declaration that government directive issued by the Home Ministry’s publication control’s division via a circular dated December 5, 1986 is unlawful and unconstitutional.

The order today means that the government’s long-standing absolute ban in the 1986 circular on the use of the word “Allah” in Christian publications in Malaysia has been declared invalid by the court. Continue reading “High Court Quashes Govt’s 1986 Ban on ‘Allah’ Use by Christians,”

Biden’s LGBT Inspired “Equality Act” Will Drive the Church From the Public Arena


Many Malaysian Christians who rely on CNN (aka the Democrats’ Ministry of Truth) for ‘news’ on the recent USA elections were gleeful when Biden won. I wonder how they would react to the so-called “Equality Act” which Biden has pledged to push through Congress in his first 100 days of power. Of course these Christians did not see the writing on the wall, given their great faith in CNN. This is only the beginning of Biden and the Democrats’ campaign to drive the church away from the public arena. Continue reading “Biden’s LGBT Inspired “Equality Act” Will Drive the Church From the Public Arena”

Amazon Bans Authors Who are Critical of LGBT

The LGBT movement in the USA pretended to be fighting for equality and coexistence with traditional Christianity and conservative religious values. Now that it controls the economic, educational, entertainment and political institutions in the USA, it proceeds to snuff out any opposing views, especially the view of traditional biblical Christianity.
Example: Amazon bans books written by authors who are critical of the homosexual and transsexual movement:
Robert Gagnon, Anne Paulk, Ryan Anderson, Joseph Nicolosi, Joe Dallas, Alan Mendiger etc.
One observes related restrictions and bans by Google, Facebook & Pay Pal.

Continue reading “Amazon Bans Authors Who are Critical of LGBT”

A Prayer for the Year of the OX




Dear God, give me time.
Men are always so driven!
Make them understand that I can never hurry.
Give me time to eat.
Give me time to plod.
Give me time to sleep.
Give me time to think.

From “Prayers from the Ark: The Creatures’ Choir.” By Carmen Bernos & De Gasztold



Saints and Social Justice Warriors

One of the reasons many Christians become defensive in the debate with the LGBT movement is because for too long churches have failed to acknowledge, much less teach and prepare their congregations on how to analyze, understand and challenge the anti-biblical foundations of the movement. When was the last time you heard a preacher addressing LGBT issues over the pulpit? Likewise, many Christians find themselves ill-prepared in confronting the current ideology of social justice that focuses narrowly on an intersectionality of sexual identity(ies) and Critical Race Theory (CRT). /1/ The ideology has become so influential in the USA that it threatens to split apart the Southern Baptist Convention with its 14.5 million members.

The vigorous promotion of this ideology by the Western academia, media and entertainment industry has managed to persuade the younger generation (including younger Christians) to become “Woke,” that is, becoming aware of alleged social discrimination and aligning oneself to social justice warriors. Continue reading “Saints and Social Justice Warriors”

The Most Authoritative NT Greek Lexicon (BDAG) Tones Down its Gender References

Setting the Context: Compare the following translations of 1 Cor. 16:13
a) Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. (ESV)

b) Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. (KJV)
To contemporary readers, “quit” means “to stop” or “to give up,” but in King James English, it can also mean “to conduct oneself in a specified way.” Hence, “quit you like men” means “to play the man”, or “act manly”.

c) Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. (NIV)

The ESV has “Act like men” (andrizesthe). Some readers in their conformity to political correctness may take offence and consider the ESV translation to be guilty of sexism.

It should be instructive to look into the Greek words. Continue reading “The Most Authoritative NT Greek Lexicon (BDAG) Tones Down its Gender References”

Amazon is Even More Dominant than Google in the Internet

In terms of long term influence, Google and Amazon are scarier than Facebook. FB, which has been the focus of so much attention recently, is still limited to being a social network, but Google/Amazon have far wider areas of tech influence and are near impossible to get rid of.

Facebook (and WhatsApp) generally only exists in the consumer space, consumers can still to a certain degree choose to leave their products. In contrast, Google/Amazon run the infrastructure for the whole web. You simply cannot run away from them. For example: Continue reading “Amazon is Even More Dominant than Google in the Internet”

Can These be the Four Horsemen? Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple?

Welcome to the New Internet Order under the regime of Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple–The Four Horsemen?

Look at frightening power wielded by these Four Horsemen as they gang up to destroy a new kid on the block – Parler! They can even cut off the media platform of a sitting President with impunity? The issue is not Trump (elected Presidents come and go, but the dignity of the President Office is at stake). Put in perspective, our concern is not American politics, but the awesome power of the Four Horsemen. At the moment they are going after Conservatives (Christians and others), one day they will be coming for you – surely WhatsApp users will agree? Continue reading “Can These be the Four Horsemen? Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple?”

Big Tech Wants Your Money and Turn Your Heart From God

The big news today is not that Big Tech (Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon) permanently bans President Trump. As outsiders, we don’t have to wring our hands over American politics. The big news is that Google has just banned Parler from its Play Store and Apple threatens the same action, citing infringement of its “robust” moderation policies.

The issue is bigger than Trump and American politics. The issue is about free speech (free speech of religion in particular) being suffocated by Big Tech. Big Tech aggressively promotes Woke Ideology (Intersectionality of activism for LGBT, Abortion, Racism, victim’s justice, etc.) while it increasingly censors, polices, blocks and cancels users who question the values and radical agenda of the Woke Movement. Big Tech Brother does not need to imprison you. It just makes sure that you will eventually be able to receive only one set of ‘news’ and (godless) views. I suspect that Big Tech’s ban on Parler is an attempt to nip in the bud a potential competitor to its technological and ideological monopoly. Some well-known Christian bloggers have already reported that Big Tech blocks their posts which are critical of LGBT issues. You should be worried. This is only the beginning. Continue reading “Big Tech Wants Your Money and Turn Your Heart From God”